We finish our “Call and Response” series by talking about how we can read Numbers 11 perhaps a little differently and how that might give us some insight into the Pentecost event.
About the 12th Sunday After Pentecost: We begin our exploration into Vintage Faith with the stories of the first human beings and how their stories led to them choosing God when it wasn’t popular to do so. Nonetheless, the people in the Genesis account followed in faith and lived according to God’s design and plan.…
The Tower of Babel Now the whole earth had one language and the same words. And as people migrated from the east, they found a plain in the land of Shinar and settled there. And they said to one another, “Come, let us make bricks, and burn them thoroughly.” And they had brick for stone,…
About the First Sunday in Lent: As we gather on Sunday, some have been with us as we declared the fast on Wednesday, but many have not. We re-tell the sense of duality that we embraced on Wednesday, describing Christ as the “AND” who connects our Lent with Easter, and today especially our sacrifice with…
Are you your father? Well, not exactly – but sometimes it seems that way. We continue our #BeLove / #BeLieve series looking at the Athanasian Creed that we say in church once a year on Trinity Sunday. In the beginning, God created the heavens and the earth. The earth was without form and void, and…