Our final “Together with Jesus” with chapter 21 from John’s Gospel
We’re almost done with John! Today we look at the important chapters of John 19 and 20 as we look at both Jesus’ Crucifixion and His Resurrection!
We continue with Jesus’ High Priestly Prayer and his arrest and trials.
We continue after the Passover meal and get to listen in to Jesus’ conversation with His disciples as they go to the garden of Gethsemane together.
We continue walking through John together, getting to the point of Jesus entering into Jerusalem triumphantly after a BIG happening in the city of Bethany.
We begin our journey through John together with John 1 and 2.
We talk together about what it means to have a friend and how Christ is the best friend we can have.
We talk about how Samuel and Nathanael found what (and Who) to listen for in their encounters with God.
We finish up our conversation about the Bread of Life discourse in John with the disciples showing that believing in Jesus is not easy or obvious, but that Jesus does have the words of eternal life. Proverbs 9: 1-10 | Psalm 34: 11-22 | Ephesians 5: 6-21 | John 6: 51-69
We continue with part two of our “Fed by Life” series on the Bread of Life discourse, talking about how the people around Jesus started to take offense and push away from Him. We consider the pain of when that happens to us as well as what comfort we can find in Jesus. 1 Kings…