Sermons on John (Page 3)

Do You Like Romantic Comedies

About 2nd Sunday after Epiphany: Again we have a traditional text that shows up in every year of the lectionary. The 2nd Sunday after Epiphany uses John’s telling of the Miracle at Cana. As we consider this sign, we consider what it tells us about Jesus – that He is the Bridegroom of the Church…

Is the Holy Spirit real?

Pentecost Sunday is the primary feast day of the Holy Spirit. On this Sunday we see the guidance that the Holy Spirit provides, orchestrating and helping sinful human beings in their actions and decisions. Primarily, we focus on how Jesus promises that the Holy Spirit will “Guide you into all truth” (John 16). As we…

What do you see?

About Easter 2/Thomas – Thomas is a conflicted disciple. We first hear him ready to give his life for Jesus in the story of Lazarus, but when we catch up with him in John 20, he is unwilling to even muster the faith and belief to accept Jesus’ Resurrection. As we look to Thomas’ story,…

Who are you known for?

This Sunday is the first Sunday in Epiphany that we consider Jesus’ call to discipleship. Normally we think about Jesus’ action of calling the disciples as calling us to discipleship, but if we take seriously the idea that we have Jesus’ identity in our Baptisms, we also need to take seriously the audacious responsibility that…

What will you look like?

In the next week, we will begin to our last series in the “I Love U” focus year. This week we take some time to imagine what many lives of love might look like in the Resurrection and what things will be like when Jesus comes again to inaugurate an eternity of Love.  What will…

What are your options?

We talk about John 14:1-14 and how God doesn’t give us options, but rather gives us freedom.  We aren’t roped into a list of options when we look to Jesus, but we are set free to be the people that God has created us to be, and we can revel in our identity and Christ’s…