We finish up our “Centered” series and our “A Jesus Centered Community” annual focus with Christ the King Sunday and talking about how Christ has placed us in places to be responsible, but that He ultimately takes responsibility for us.
We spend some time talking about values, especially what the world values vs what the Kingdom of God values.
We talk about how the first will be last and servant of all as we continue our “catch phrase” series.
We talk together about the inherent optimism of the phrase, “Lord, I believe, help my unbelief.”
We talk about our “but now” moments in following Jesus.
We talk about the relief that the disciples feel when Jesus calms the storm, and we talk about that same feeling in our lives.
We talk about our expectations and how Jesus comes to give us new expectations of life.
We talk about what separates us and how Christ brings us together.
We begin to talk about Jesus’ passion in Mark and discuss how He is preparing His disciples.
We continue walking through the Gospel of Mark together, two chapters at a time