We finish off the Easter season talking about the confidence that we have as people who h;ave been saved by the Risen and Living Lord Jesus Christ . – Acts 1: 6-26 | Psalm 1 | 1 John 5: 9-15 | John 17: 11-19
We take some time to talk about our unity as Christians, which comes from the fact that we have all been forgiven by Christ, and how that forms in us hopes for deepening our unity with God and one another, and hopes for what the world will look like because of our united action and…
We continue to talk about the things that form our hope, this Sunday talking about how our Baptisms form abiding hope in our connection with God – Acts 8: 26-40 | Psalm 150 | 1 John 4 | John 15: 1-8
It’s Good Shepherd Sunday and we talk about our Good Shepherd who lays down His life for us- Acts 4: 1-12 | Psalm 23 | 1 John 3: 16-24 | John 10: 11-18
We continue to think about how the Cross shapes our hopes, especially in terms of how Jesus reveals what we will be. – Acts 3: 11-21 | Psalm 4 | 1 John 3: 1-7 | Luke 24: 36-49
We begin our “A Cross Shaped Hope” series by considering our hopes that relate to restoration. – Acts 4: 32-35 | Psalm 148 | 1 John 1: 1 to 2: 2 | John 20: 19-31