We talk about what separates us and how Christ brings us together.
We talk about rest and Sabbath and how those things are made for us by a God who loves us and sent His Son to us.
We talk together about what it means to have a friend and how Christ is the best friend we can have.
We talk about how Jesus makes us to have a home in Him and the Father.
We talk about what makes a good shepherd, a good coach, and what makes Jesus just pain good.
We celebrate the Resurrected Christ and the baptism and confirmation of Kyle Beckstrom!
We finish off Holy Week with the Sunday of Easter as we talk about how Jesus takes us out of our “stasis”.
Our sermon from Good Friday where we consider what is “different” about this night.
The word “Hosanna” means “Save now!” and the people of Jerusalem were crying out that phrase because of Psalm 118. We take a look at the word and how we can still cry out “Hosanna” to God today.
We talk about St Patrick, or maybe just Patrick, and what it means to be a saint for whom Jesus died.