We continue our “Surprise!’ series by looking at the surprise of God calling us and how our vocations are God’s way of calling us.
We continue our Epiphany season with our sermon series, “Surprise!” looking at the surprises that we have in Scripture.
We start off our Epiphany season by contemplating the Baptism of Jesus and what that surprise means for us.
We celebrate a rare second Sunday after Christmas as we talk about Solomon’s ask for wisdom.
We finish up Advent with the prophet Micah telling us about a coming hero and what a hero is like
We talk about what it means to celebrate and rejoice in the midst of Advent and how it prepares us for an eternity of rejoicing.
We continue walking through Advent together in the light of the Old Testament Minor Prophets. Today we talk about God’s “follow up” on the people of Judah in the minor prophet Malachi.
We start off Advent talking about the prophet Amos and the completion that Jesus brings.
We talk about how the integrity of certain Bible characters shine in our weary world, why those stories are so rare, and what they tell us about ourselves and about Jesus.
We talk about our fidelity to God’s design for humanity, and what happens when we find that we are not as faithful to our encoding as we should be. God brings us grace and returns us to a picture of the love and grace that He has created in us as His images and image…