We begin our sermon series, Concordia, about the Book of Concord and the fundamental beliefs of Lutherans by talking about the three ecumenical creeds at what it means to be “catholic” along with all other people who are baptized into Christ’s name. Sermon Text: Matthew 28:16-20 The Great Commission [16] Now the eleven disciples went to…
The Disney corporation is famous for putting “Easter eggs” – things hidden to create joy in those who find them – in their animated movies. Today Pastor Jay talks about an “Easter egg” that he found in Exodus 3, and how the story of God contained in the Creed and in Scripture is the best…
How much are you worth? It’s a difficult thing for us to come up with on our own, but we can find the answer simply in how much someone is willing to “pay for us”. Since Jesus did that, we examine how much we are worth to the Triune God. Let not sin therefore reign…
Are you your father? Well, not exactly – but sometimes it seems that way. We continue our #BeLove / #BeLieve series looking at the Athanasian Creed that we say in church once a year on Trinity Sunday. In the beginning, God created the heavens and the earth. The earth was without form and void, and…
Do you confess? As we start a very short sermon series on the Creeds, we look at what it means to confess using these Creeds and how we understand them as statements of belief in the Triune God who has given us life and identity. The Nicene Creed We believe in one God, the Father…