We talk about this word “Selah” that shows up in the Psalms and what it has to do with our season of Lent.
We talk about Psalm 91 and psalms in general as we start off our Lenten series, Psalms of Lent.
We talk about St Patrick, or maybe just Patrick, and what it means to be a saint for whom Jesus died.
We talk about how God brings us a new perspective by causing us to refocus on His Son, Jesus Christ.
We talk about the 10 commandments and what they tell us about Jesus.
We continue our Lent series “Refocused” as we talk about how we can get focused on Jesus being the answer to God’s promises to us.
We talk about how we refocus ourselves in Lent from a focus on ourselves to a focus on Jesus and who He is, specifically this Sunday that He is our sacrifice.
We start our Lenten fast together with the celebration of Ash Wednesday, asking the question of how we may mistake what Lent is all about, replacing God’s work for ours.
Good Friday 2022
We finish our “Measuring UP” series looking at the parable of the Wicked Tenants and what it tells us about the character of God. Isaiah 43: 16-21 | Psalm 126 | Philippians 3: 4-14 | Luke 20: 9-20