We talk together about what it means to have a friend and how Christ is the best friend we can have.
We talk about how Jesus makes us to have a home in Him and the Father.
We talk about what makes a good shepherd, a good coach, and what makes Jesus just pain good.
We celebrate the Resurrected Christ and the baptism and confirmation of Kyle Beckstrom!
We finish the Church Year and our sermon series with the parable of the sheep and goats from Matthew 25
We talk about the parable of the talents and try to find the Gospel in the midst of it, seeking it in some surprising places.
We start off on a sermon series about Matthew 25 with the Parable of the 10 Virgins
We talk about reformation, confirmation, and how we are given renewal through Word and Sacrament.
We begin talking about our “RE” (Reformation) series by talking about how the Reformation said that we all belong and that we are all given the joy of rendering unto God what is God’s
We conclude our sermon series on the letter to the Philippians talking about what we do while we wait for our day to be with Jesus.