LWML Zone Rally

Join us on Saturday, April 29, for food, fellowship and fun at our upcoming LWML Tallahassee Zone Spring Rally.
Registration will begin at 8:30.
Our theme for the day is “Stand Firm”.  Be on your guard; stand firm in the faith; be courageous; be strong. 1 Cor16:13

The schedule is as follows:

8:30 – 9:00  am     Registration ($5.00 per person) with a Continental Breakfast

9:00 – 10.00 am     Divine Worship Service with Holy Communion

10:00 – 11:00 am   Pastor led Bible Study

11:00 am – Noon   Guest Speaker:  Julia Neimes (from the Iris Lending Library for the Blind) with Craft Activity

Noon – 1:00 pm     Luncheon and Fellowship

1:00 – 2:00 pm       Meeting on LWML Mission work around the world

Our “GIFTS FROM THE HEART” Mission project for the day will be our monetary support for the Iris Lending Library For The Blind, Inc., also known as the Lutheran Library for The Blind.  We will also have the opportunity to support them by making a donation to purchase their beautifully handcrafted “Library Angels” that will be available to take home.  (You might just win one as a door prize!)

Please RSVP to Deb Buenrostro at (850)294-5194 before April 22, so we can plan accordingly. Consider coming as a group and ride-sharing to the rally. More is merrier!


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