Our sermons are only a part of our Sunday morning, but they are an important part – they are the Word of God presented to us in our context so that we can repent, seek to amend our lives, and receive God’s grace through the power of the Gospel.

Who is in your family tree?

Lydia was a powerful woman in her day who converted to Christianity and opened the door for others to become Christians. How might the stories of others be changed by the people that we witness to? Acts 16: 9-15 | Psalm 67 | Revelation 21: 9-14, 21-27 | John 16: 23-33

4th Sunday of Easter

We celebrate “Good Shepherd Sunday” (the 4th Sunday of Easter) by talking about a lifetime full of witness and how our whole lives are to be lives of witness to Christ and His care for us. Acts 20: 17-35 | Psalm 23 | Revelation 7: 9- 17 | John 10: 22-30