Sermons on Luke (Page 6)

Do you have a negative theology?

About Easter Sunday: Alleluias return to the sanctuary of University Lutheran as we consider emptiness again, but this time joyously, as we consider the empty tomb of our Lord whom death could not hold. Together with Mary Magdalene, Joanna, Mary the mother of James, and the other women and disciples, we consider the mystery of…

Where’s the party?

Sometimes culture views the Christian God of judgment, and while this is true about God’s fairness, it neglects God’s love and restoration of the human being. As we consider the God whom Jesus portrays as the father in the story of the prodigal, we consider a God who has given grace and forgiveness. And he…

What is your excuse?

About the 4th Sunday after Epiphany: In this Sunday’s Gospel from the lectionary we have another incidence of Jesus performing miracles, but here it is specifically His healing and demon-casting miracles that are highlighted. We consider what it means for Jesus to be not only the healer of the body, but also his divinity that…

What kind of singer are you?

About this Sunday: Micah prophesies the coming of Jesus saying that “He shall be their peace”. All of these readings give us a sense of peace as we wait, a calm that washes over us as we await the Savior who shall come and finally bring peace to this war-torn earth. This peace is the…