Yellow Dogs and God’s Will – the 3rd Petition of the Lord’s Prayer

Last week in the newsletter we asked how we could make the newsletter experience a better experience. One of the things that came back overwhelmingly was to reintroduce the Pastor’s Article into the actual email rather than providing a link to it. So, your will be done. It is back in the the actual email. 

This past Sunday we confessed the 3rd petition of the Lord’s Prayer in worship at University Lutheran.

What is the 3rd petition of the Lord’s Prayer?
Thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven.
What does this mean?
The good and gracious will of God is done even without our prayer, but we pray in this petition that it may be done among us also. God’s will is done when He breaks and hinders every evil plan and purpose of the devil, the world, and our sinful nature, which do not want us to hallow God’s name or let His kingdom come; and when He strengthens and keeps us firm in His Word and faith until we die. This is His good and gracious will.

God’s will is something that we might have difficulties with at times. We might wonder what God’s will is for a certain situation or even for our lives as a whole. The Catechism helps us understand that will. His will is to break and hinder the plan and purpose of the devil, the world, and our sinful nature. 

There is a Southern political term: “a yellow dog democrat.” This term meant someone who would always vote for a Democratic party candidate no matter what. In fact, they would sooner vote for a yellow dog than for a non-Democrat. In some ways, we understand God’s will to be a “yellow dog” will. His will is anything but the will of the Devil, the world, and our sinful nature. We’d sooner ally ourselves with a yellow dog than those things. 

I suppose that means that the next time that you’re unsure of what God’s will is, go and play with your dog. Grab a frisbee and head to the park. Find a treat and make your dog’s day. Take a drive with your dog with the windows down. It’s a somewhat safe decision, because generally speaking, doing the will of your dog is going to run contrary to the will of the Devil, the world, and your own sinful flesh.

Or better yet, consult God. Far too often we’re yellow dog Christians in that we will consult everyone but God before we make a decision. Consider praying to Him, even if that prayer is as simple as the Lord’s Prayer, but then stop and ask Him, “Lord, what are you trying to say to me?” Read Scripture. Open up your Bible and read a passage, but then stop and ask Him “Lord, what are you trying to say to me?” But if you don’t feel He is clearly telling you anything, it may be that He is saying simply this: “I have trusted you to make this decision, my beloved child. I promise I will be with you no matter what decision you make and no matter the outcome. You are free because of the Gospel, the work of my Son Jesus, the Christ, Your Savior and Lord.”

His will is that we would be free. And He has made that will so by His Son. Let us live in that freedom won for us.