Posts from February 2023

Finding something in the forty

Just yesterday we began the season of Lent. This season begins on Ash Wednesday and counts down to Easter, forty days excluding the Sundays.  As you’ll hear this Sunday, the number forty figures into the first Gospel reading of the season of Lent. In this first Gospel reading from Matthew 4, we hear that Jesus…

The Half Time Show

This past Sunday, a number of us watched an NFL game. This was perhaps something that we had not done since last year, perhaps even longer. And if you were one of the occasional NFL game watchers, it’s likely that you weren’t even watching for the game. You were watching for the commercials or the…

Smell like Jesus

New Mexico is going out on a limb and declaring something that not every state declares: a state aroma. New Mexico is considering declaring “roasting chile peppers” as their state aroma. If you’ve ever been to New Mexico, you have probably been by one of the many places that were serving up roasted chile peppers…

We Croak

Five times a day my phone sends me a notification that most people would not say they want to get: You’re going to die. The notification comes from an app with the cynical name “We Croak.” It’s a simple app that does one thing – it sends you a notification that you are going to…