Posts from April 2020

Clay Pigeons and Sabbaticals

The now sainted John Prine sings a song entitled “Clay Pigeons,” which is actually a cover of a song written by a guy named Blaze Foley. In that song, Foley and Prine sing about a man who boards a Greyhound bus for a 2 to 3 day trip in order to put some healthy distance…

Being healthy isn’t just masks

I purchased my first mask this weekend. Up until now I have been using the “surgeon general’s homemade mask” made out of cloth and hairties/rubber bands. I figured it looks like we’re in this for the long haul, and…well…if we make it through this, it might make for a good memento. But being healthy isn’t…

I am but a stranger here

There’s a hymn that goes “I’m but a stranger here, heaven is my home,” written by a guy named Thomas Taylor. It was eerily published a year after he went to his home, heaven, at the age of 28 after an illness. Throughout the hymn, Thomas Taylor compares the ills of the world with the…

For Fear Of

The first Easter happened with 10 men huddled in a room with doors locked for fear of the Jewish authorities. Jesus’ 12 disciples, minus Judas, minus Thomas who was out doing something, were quarantined in a room just barely meeting today’s CDC guidelines for group gatherings. John tells us something important – they were afraid.…

It is still a holy week

This Sunday begins the period of time that we know as Holy Week – a week that encompasses the observances of Palm/Passion Sunday, Maundy Thursday, Good Friday, and of course, Easter Sunday. Of course, this also continues to be an extension of the “Sundays in Live Stream” season that we have been encountering due to…