The Florida-Georgia District has sent out a challenge for each congregation to fill at least 10 Flood Relief buckets, and University Lutheran has taken up the challenge! These buckets will be sent out to assist the LCMS Disaster Response mercy efforts to those affected by flooding. Each bucket costs about 25-30 dollars; they include devotionals provided by the District in addition to paper towels, disposable rags, glass cleaner, cleansing powder, liquid cleaner, bleach, a scrub brush, two pairs of rubber gloves, and sponges. We’re going to start by going to local businesses this week and asking for donations, and what we can’t get donated, we’re hoping you will help us out! There are lists of items for the buckets on the University Lutheran table in the back, and also a sign-up sheet to let us know what you’re planning on buying. If you have any questions you can talk to Mary or Pastor Jay!