“Get into the Word?” he asked questioningly, “How small would you have to be?!?” That is one of the many incredulous responses that I remember getting back from some seemingly harmless “Christianese”. When I say, “Let’s get into the Word,” you, dear reader, probably understand that I’m trying to say “Let us read and meditate upon the Scriptures.” But the world around us doesn’t necessarily understand that phrase anymore, instead they picture themselves crawling through the small hole of the lower case “e”.
But the reality is that we don’t have to “get into the Word.” Rather, the Word got into us. John’s Gospel account opens with a clarity about the animation and activity of this Word — who happens to a be a person! — who moves into our neighborhood, who incarnates Himself among us sinful human beings. He does so today, by the mysterious work of coming to us in Word and Sacrament, by literally dwelling in us in, with, and under the bread, the wine, the Baptismal water and the Word – read and preached.
This large and expansive Word becomes small enough for us poor humans and dwells with us. How small would you have to be? Not any smaller at all. He becomes small for us, that we might become big enough to have eternity dwell in us.
in Christ,