Living the Lectionary – 2nd Week of Lent

Living the Lectionary is a weekly devotional tool intended to give you ideas for living out the Word of God that we encounter on Sundays in worship. 

ABOUT THE WEEK STARTING February 21st: The Second Week of Lent

God’s prophetic Word tends to get prophets into hot water. Law: Because we live in a sinful world, when we speak God’s prophetic Word, it has a tendency to get us into trouble with those who are not in line with His Kingdom.  Gospel: God’s Word is not only controversial in its conviction of ourselves and others, but is found to be even more controversial in its declaration of Jesus’ death on the Cross for us. pablo (22)


(readings are linked to text on – you can read all the readings together here.)

Jeremiah 26:8-15– Kill the Messenger, But Listen – Jeremiah comes up on charges before the people of Jerusalem for speaking God’s Word. Amazingly, Jeremiah has the courage to give himself up to whatever judgment the people come up with, if only they will listen to the message. Is there something burning in your heart that you feel needs to be said, but you are afraid will cause judgment to come upon you? How does this reading give you courage or insight?

Psalm 4– Get Angry – The picture of the prophetic task is often one of an angry speaker. This reading tells us “be angry and do not sin”. How might you use the volatile fuel of your anger this week? How will you keep that anger from causing you to sin?

Philippians 3:17-4:1 – Enemies and Citizens – We feel that calling someone “an enemy” is somewhat unChristian. However, throughout the Scriptures, God tells us that we will have enemies but that we are to love them. Make an accounting of your enemies today. Why are they your enemies? Who are your friends?

Luke 13:31-35– The Prophetic Word – In an amazing turn of events, the Pharisees who are often Jesus’ rivals or enemies, here are allied with Him against the evil despot Herod. Jesus seems to shrug off, and even laugh at Herod’s power, but then goes on to prophesy about His death in Jerusalem which will bring the Gospel to the world. In so doing, we see that Gospel is more powerful than law, because condemnation gives way to love. How might you move through your condemnation to Gospel this week?


The season of Lent is one of preparation for Easter. Seasons of preparation in the Christian tradition are always about preparing for a celebration – this time for the greatest feast of the Church, Easter. Lent is traditionally a 40 day fast, but spans about 46 days, using Sundays as “little Easters” away from the fast.