A while back I learned an acronym about something that we should do regularly, “STOP”. The elements of the STOP acronym are to sit, think, organize, and plan. The author who was talking about this acronym said that much of what goes wrong in our live could possibly be traced to not “STOPping” or rushing through a “STOP” process.
Sit – The Chinese Christian writer Watchman Nee famously wrote a devotion on the book of Ephesians in which he traced the exhortations of Paul to three verbs: sit, walk, and stand. Just like in the STOP acronym, Paul and Watchman Nee start with sitting. Sitting is somewhat passive. In fact, the hard work of sitting sometimes is not getting up. But sitting is important. When we sit, we recognize that God’s grace is sufficient for us. We sit and bring honor to our God who has promised everything is in His hands.
Think – While sitting may be somewhat passive and restful, thinking is not. Thinking is a God-given ability that we all have. When we think, we allow God to utilize the brains that He created in us. It is through those brains that we make connections, ask questions, and seek Him further. Thinking allows us to connect to God’s will and desires for us as well as to check in with what is going on in ourselves. When we open ourselves up to what God might be showing us.
Organize – Organization helps us to sort through the thoughts that come up. Which thoughts go with which? How do we stack one series of thoughts on another? Organization helps us begin to see the intricate patterns that may have been there all along, but we have been too busy to see. Organization helps us to know which things belong where.
Plan – Finally, the last step before our actions are to plan. A plan is different from organization. Planning assumes action as an end result. As my one professor puts it, a plan “has an action bias”. Planning is something we’re careful to do prayerfully and humbly, knowing that our plans may be contradicted by God, but also that He has given us the ability to plan.
As I celebrate my 14th ordination anniversary today, I think God for the ability to STOP this year – to sit, to think, to organize, and to plan, knowing that the grace of God takes my “stop” and gives it the power to GO.