
Somebody recently asked me if I knew what “Hi-Fi” stood for. I quickly answered, “high fidelity.” If you haven’t heard the term, it relates to the pursuit of “purer sound” in audio recording and playback – something with less noise and interference, something closer to what it is like to being in the same room with your favorite musicians playing your favorite songs.

This Sunday we’re starting a preaching series that we’re calling “Fidelity”. Over the four weeks that we are in the series, we are going to talk about the challenge of fidelity that we are called to as humans who know God. From the very outset of creation, God created us to be “Hi Fi” reproductions of Himself. Genesis states that we were made “in His image”, as “high fidelity” reproductions of Yahweh. To be with us should be like being in the same room with the Triune God playing the notes that God plays.

Sin however, snuck in. Sin distorted and deviated our fidelity. From the very first sin, we were no longer high fidelity representations. Instead, we were like that annoying moment when someone’s phone is cutting out and you’re trying to make sense of what they are saying. 

Because of this sin, God sent His Son to reestablish our fidelity. He sent His Son, a perfect representation of who He is, because He IS God. That Son then died on a cross and rose from the tomb to distribute His fidelity – to fill in the missing information, the gaps in the code, the skips and pops in the record.

Join us this Sunday and for the next month as we consider how Jesus has restored our fidelity and what that means for us.