Spoken so that

John records Jesus as saying “These things I have spoken to you that my joy may be in you, and that your joy may be full.” (John 15)

The context of the verse shows that He says this about HIs encouragement to His disciples to follow God’s commandments. And the purpose is not “so you’ll be a good person” or “so that you won’t feel guilty about stuff”, but rather, “that your joy may be full.”

Sometimes I think we miss out on this important idea in Jesus’ teaching – that He is concerned with our joy. That even the commandments He gives us are for our joy.

We tend to disbelieve Him, however. Commandments are often the source of a lack of joy for us, rather than a source of joy themselves. But Jesus speaks in line with things like Psalm 119 that declare that following God’s commands are a source of joy.

This probably means that we think we can do “joy” better on our own: a margarita and a beach, a dessert at 10pm, an afternoon nap. We’re not bad at joy, so it is hard to believe that Jesus’ commands could be better. 

But Jesus’ joy wants to fill us up. That our joy may be full. Our joy is always going to end. His keeps going on into eternity. 

“That your joy may be full.” Do you believe Him?


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