Posts from September 2024

Jumping into John

The Gospel of John is a little….different. Unlike the other three Gospels, John presents things in a different order that doesn’t seem to based on chronology. He doesn’t include some of the same stories that the other Gospels do (e.g. no sermon on the mount), and he gives us stories that we wouldn’t otherwise have…

Catch Phrase

See if you can identify these catch phrases from tv and movie characters: “Stop trying to make ‘fetch’ happen.” “D’oh!” “Winter is coming.” “That’s what she said.” “Say hello to my little friend.” Maybe a few of them stumped you, but you probably connected to at least one of the catch phrases. Perhaps in your…

Spoken so that

John records Jesus as saying “These things I have spoken to you that my joy may be in you, and that your joy may be full.” (John 15) The context of the verse shows that He says this about HIs encouragement to His disciples to follow God’s commandments. And the purpose is not “so you’ll…