Church Blog (Page 21)

Hopes and Fears

This Sunday we are officially starting our Lent sermon series, “Hopes and Fears”. Hope and fear have an interesting relationship with one another. Fear often drives us to hope. When we experience fear, we begin to hope for something that alleviates we we fear. For example, if we fear being late for school, we might…

Hopes for your neighbors

According to Jesus, everyone is your neighbor. That means that the person who lives next to you is your neighbor. The person at your job is your neighbor. That person online is your neighbor. The convenience store clerk? Your neighbor too. That person who lives on the island of Tuvalu, also your neighbor. Your enemy…

Hopes for the Church

What are your hopes for the Church? All sorts of ink has been spilled on what makes for a good church or a healthy church or an effective church. In fact, even those adjectives (good, healthy, effective) betray a little bit of what we might be hoping for in a church. Some church hopes are…

Hopes for Yourself

When Martin Luther said, “everything that is done in the world is done by hope,” he was largely meaning that for individuals. The expanded quote tells us about the hopes he was talking about: “No merchant or tradesman would set himself to work if he did not hope to reap benefit thereby.” Hoping is naturally…

Three Hopes

This year, University Lutheran is engaging with our annual focus, “Done by Hope”. The name of the focus comes from Martin Luther’s quote, “Everything that is done in the world is done by hope. No merchant or tradesman would set himself to work if he did not hope to reap benefit thereby.” As with many…

First Words

A couple of weeks ago I noticed that Jesus’ first words in Luke are “Why were you looking for me?” and that got me to wondering what each of the Gospel writers captured as Jesus’ first quotes. Like I said, in Luke, Jesus asks his parents, “Why were you looking for me?” and follows it…

Stories of Hope

What did John the Baptist, Samuel, Jonah, Moses, Paul, and Elisha all have in common? Hope. As we continue our “Done by Hope” annual focus year, we take Epiphany to engage with the stories of some notable Biblical figures – each of them from a different time, a different context, and each of them having…

Green Monday

The other day I learned about “Green Monday”. Green Monday is the 3rd Monday in December, which is now being added to the list of celebrated retail holy days like “Black Friday” and “Cyber Monday”. Green Monday’s specificity is that it is the last day to reliably order an online gift that will show up…

Waiting for Gamool

Every mother is different, but I remember the relief that came over my wife, Liz, when each of our children moved into the “weaned” stage. This was the point when each of the kids didn’t need her body for sustenance anymore, but just for her loving presence with them. That is the moment that David…