Church Blog (Page 23)

Learning to Lament

My friend Rev. Timothy J. Hartner, a prince of a pastor who is now retired from his labors at St. Paul’s Weston, FL, shared his work on “lament” recently with me, what follows is my take on what he shared. We have much to lament over in 2020: deaths, illness, racial discord, political discord, loss…

Can I do it?

If you’ve ever done any coaching with me, especially around something that it seems like you just can’t get yourself to get done, it’s likely that I have told you about the CANE model of motivation (that stands for Commitment And Necessary Effort model). The CANE model starts with the assumption that if you are…

Follow the Story

Parables are one of the eccentricities of Jesus. He told them seemingly all the time and we love them. The word “parable” literally means “thrown alongside” (para = alongside + ballein = thrown). It’s a story or an image that is “thrown alongside” a heavenly truth that helps us to see the contours of the…

The Volunteer Bartender

I was the only bartender in the bar that night and we had run out of limes. It was easy enough for me to tell the guys who were pounding the Coronas (so therefore the limes as well) that we had run out of limes, but that would mean that they would shuffle off to…

Who do you see?

The French artist known only as “JR” is semi-famous for a self-portrait. The full title of the work is “Self-Portrait in a Woman’s Eye, Kenya, from 28 Milimetres, Women are Heroes , 2010”.  The portrait at first appears to be a close up of someone’s eye, but as you look closer, you find the reflection…

What are you hungry for?

What are you hungry for? I’ve always thought that was a weird little question. I mean, at some level, being hungry is not a discriminating thing. If you’re really hungry, you’ll be willing to consider a lot of things you otherwise wouldn’t consider. But there is also a reality to being “hungry for”. Sometimes our hungers…

Who are you to God?

At the end of the 2005 movie, “Smoke” starring Harvey Keitel, he tells a story about chasing down a kid who was shoplifting in his store. The kid drops his wallet but gets away from Auggie (Keitel’s character). Auggie, then decided to take the wallet home but doesn’t do anything with it for a while.…

Theological Archeology

I don’t watch a lot of reality television, but one of the shows that I will indulge in that happens to be in the reality genre is called “American Pickers”. The show is about two guys who own a business called “Antique Archeology” and they go through the country basically meeting hoarders who have stuff…

Entering the teen years

I was ordained on July 22nd, 2007. That was 13 years ago. Which means that my ministry has now hit its teen years. I have now been a pastor for longer than I have lived in any one place. I haven’t been married for 13 years. I haven’t been a father for 13 years. Basically,…

Register for In Person Worship

Registration link at the bottom of this page. While we are having in person worship services again, this does not mean things will be “back to normal” yet. There will be notable differences including: Required use of face masks A limit on number of worshipers per Sunday (30) Various social distancing measures No sharing of…