Church Blog (Page 34)

New Look

Many of you know or have heard that I have cut my hair. It’s to the point now that if you haven’t seen my haircut I know that we haven’t been interacting that much. It’s a new look for me. This week I got another “new look” in that I updated my glasses. The update…

What do you do on Reflection Days?

Every year I take a series of days away from the office (for the most part) in order to participate in what I have called “reflection days”. I started this in 2009, at the celebration of my 2nd year of ministry, and I have done it around the anniversary of my ordination and installation at…

In One Body

We will be starting a new sermon series this Sunday called “In One Body”. The title comes from a line in Ephesians 2, “But now in Christ Jesus you who once were far off have been brought near by the blood of Christ. For he himself is our peace, who has made us both one…

What is a District Convention?

I just got back from serving at the District Convention of the Florida Georgia District of the Lutheran Church Missouri Synod. My role at this was not only as pastoral delegate (voter) but also as Secretary of the District, an elected position which I was elected to again. Along with our lay (non-church worker) delegate,…

Baptizing a Bear

A Roman Catholic priest, a Baptist minister, and a Jewish rabbi go into the woods for a walk. Upon their walk, they find a bear. The Baptist minister says, “watch this,” and he goes down to the riverbank and begins to preach to the bear to the point where he ends up baptizing the bear.…

Baptized Mugshots

Brian Morris won the lottery. Not only did he win “free money”, but he won a lot of it – 125 million dollars to be exact. So what did he do with it? Well, Brian called up a local manure producer and put in an order. Pretending as if it was his own house, Brian…

Hello, My Name is Baptized

If you haven’t heard yet, the Winters family is growing by one. We have our third child due in November of 2018.  If you know our kids, you know that they don’t have very common names. We have a Cricket Belle and a Tempest Jane. And so naturally with a third child coming into the…