Living the Lectionary – 2nd Sunday after Epiphany

Living the Lectionary is a weekly devotional tool intended to give you ideas for living out the Word of God that we encounter on Sundays in worship. 


The season of the Sundays after the Epiphany are sometimes called “Ordinary Time”. This is not because they are without special meaning, but rather, that they are numbered depending upon the date for Easter. It is in this season that we begin already to look forward to Easter by considering who Christ is and what He came to earth in order to accomplish in our series “Christology”.

ABOUT THE WEEK STARTING JANUARY 17TH: The 2nd Sunday after Epiphany

One of the ways that we hear Jesus being spoken of is as “the Bridegroom of the Church”. This symbolic way of understanding who Jesus is lets us understand our marriages and our connection to God. Law: God should have the perfect family, but instead, we are wayward and disobedient children. Gospel: God makes us a part of His family by giving us the Holy Spirit. Despite what should rightfully happen, He shows us grace. 2nd Sunday after Epiphany


(readings are linked to text on

Isaiah 62:1-5– The Engagement – It would not be incorrect to think of this passage as an engagement or betrothal passage. In it, God makes promises that are to be fulfilled in the relationship, as both parties do when they agree to marry one another. What has God promised the Church, and you as a part of it, in this passage?

Psalm 128– To be a blessing – As we are included in God’s family, we seek to please Him as good family members. What does this passage lead you to believe that God wants from His family? Who are you in this family system?

I Corinthians 12:1-11 – Mini-Series- The Body – One of the elements of the lectionary that we see in the “Ordinary” Sundays (see explanation above in “About this Season”) is that the Epistle lessons often form a series of their own, basically walking through a book of the Bible. Today we see the beginning of this “miniseries” taken from I Corinthians, chapters 12 and 13. What do you know about these chapters of I Corinthians already? What might you learn?

John 2:1-11– The Gift of the Bridegroom – This is not Jesus’ wedding, but we know from Scripture that Jesus’ purpose in coming to earth is to marry Himself to His Bride, the Church. Here we see Jesus giving a gift to a faltering wedding celebration to keep and even improve the party. What does this tell you about the kind of husband that Jesus is for the Church?


Character: Familial love is a blessing when it is present, and its absence is a curse to all those in the family. Consider your family vocation – are you a husband, wife, father, mother, son, daughter, cousin, etc? How might you display familial love in this vocation as a sign of your character given to you by Christ?

Discipline: The Sabbath, when celebrated correctly, is to be a time of stopping work so that one can enjoy their relationships with God and with one another. How can you celebrate Sabbath this week and use it to enjoy your relationships with God and those He has put you together with?

Knowledge: We are beginning a “mini-series” in this time of the lectionary in I Corinthians. Consider picking up a book on this elemental text. We recommend Concordia Commentary: I Corinthians by Gregory Lockwood. Or, for less money, 1 Corinthians for Everyone by N.T. Wright.