Especially Childlike – Introduction to the Lord’s Prayer

“At this time I’d like to invite forward all of the children that we have with us this morning, or anyone feeling especially childlike.” It’s my line that invites the children forward for the children’s message. I don’t think I always do a great job with the children’s sermon being for the children – but a lot of times, the children’s sermon is just as much for the adults as it is for the kids. 

This week we confessed the Introduction of the Lord’s Prayer:

“What is the introduction of the Lord’s Prayer?

Our Father, who art in heaven.

What does this mean?

With these words God tenderly invites us to believe that He is our true Father and that we are His true children, so that with all boldness and confidence we may ask Him as dear children ask their dear father.”

The reality is that we should all come forward when I invite “anyone feeling especially childlike.” That is our posture with God. We are His dear children.

I happen to have two dear children. What they teach me about God is immense. They teach me that God doesn’t expect me to understand everything, but that He wants to explain the things of the world to me so that I might share in His joy over those things. They teach me that God’s anger is about my potential to harm myself or others more than it is about not following a moral code. They teach me that God wants to bless me in ways that are unique to me. They teach me that God wants me to call out “Abba . . .” to Him in the morning when I first get up so that we can spend a little time together before the day gets started. They teach me that God gets excited about the things that I get excited about. They teach me that God wants me to ask, even for little treats, during the day. They teach me that God looks down on me when I’m sleeping and smiles when He sees me at peace after a long day.

Knowing that, I want to feel “especially childlike” with God today and every day.