The Fellowship Quotient

Fellowship is a weird Christian word. It means a lot of different stuff to different people. Add to that, it sounds like something lifted out of a copy of Lord of the Rings. It seems…well…kind of fantastical, like elves and orcs and hobbits and stuff. 

The Greek word for fellowship is “koinonia”. A koinonia can be a gathering of people, a gathering of an offering, a shared activity…a lot of stuff….but it’s always “together”. 

I think we’re suffering from a lack of koinonia. We’ve got a lack of “together”.

And yet, we have challenges that keep us from getting together. Moreover, we have people with whom we used to want to get together who are displaying dysfunctional emotional behavior that make us wonder if that is such a good idea anymore.

I am thankful for our elders, Adam and Henry. This past week we had a meeting and one of the recommendations that they had was for us to try to encourage more “koinonia” and fellowship with one another. Seeing your pastor on screen on Sunday is something, but we believe that the church is much more – and a part of the much more is the koinonia – the fellowship.

We need to hear each others’ stories. We need to pray for each others’ struggles. We need to celebrate in each others’ thanksgivings. We need the koinonia, the together. 

The “Question of the Week” this week is going to be about when would be good to add a Bible Study/Fellowship time – early morning before work or evening after work. Please fill it out, and more importantly, when we put together a time to get together – join us there or on our Sunday morning Bible Study hour (9:30am). Christ has put us together in the grace that spills from His Cross, so let us be together.