What are you hungry for?

What are you hungry for? I’ve always thought that was a weird little question. I mean, at some level, being hungry is not a discriminating thing. If you’re really hungry, you’ll be willing to consider a lot of things you otherwise wouldn’t consider. But there is also a reality to being “hungry for”. Sometimes our hungers and our cravings are cluing us into a specific lacking nutrient, but sometimes, they’re less trustworthy. 

My morning devotion took me to Ezekiel 34 today. It’s a weird passage. In it, God accuses the shepherds of Israel (the priests and Levites) of not only eating sheep food (yuck) but also of eating the sheep themselves (yikes!). God says that He’s going to take over the shepherding biz Himself, that He will feed the sheep (and not eat them).

This made me think of my “sheep,” three little girls that live in my house. Their sense of what they are “hungry for” can be a little frustrating at times: more candy, less vegetables. In Ezekiel, even when God takes over the feeding Himself, eliminating the sins of the shepherds from the equation, He still has to deal with the sheep. And we sheep can be finicky about our tastes.

We, too, want to refuse the good food that God gives us to eat. Broccoli again?!? Bible reading again?!?! Tithing again?!?! Prayer again?!?! Community again?!?!? Worship again??!?! Confession/Absolution again?!?! Repentance again?!?! But God gives us good stuff to eat, and asks that we trust that what He puts on our plate is healthy for us. And He even delights to give us a little candy here and there. He’s a good shepherd.

So what are YOU hungry for? And where might you need to check in with God about your cravings vs His provided food? What might even be on your plate right now that you have neglected to give thanks to God for? It’s good stuff there on that plate. Look, get hungry for it, rejoice, and eat!