Posts from June 2020

Starting Over…and Over

One of the more frustrating things about this year has been the sense of starting over. This stopped, so we did this instead – which was like starting over, often times from scratch. But then whatever that was stopped, and so we had to start over again. For me? That was starting online only church.…

What did you agree to?

Last Sunday we talked about what we agreed to, the things that we said that we would do and be. I brought up two instances where you may have agreed to things: your confirmation and your participation in a new member celebration here at University Lutheran. If you have been confirmed in a Lutheran church,…


I’m coming back after some time away, and even though I still worked an average of almost 20 hours a week for church while I was “gone” there’s still some readjustment. A part of that readjustment means that things slip through the cracks, things aren’t planned for adequately, etc. This is “reentry”. Reentry is what…