ChatGPT for Churches

I don’t know if you’ve heard of ChatGPT yet. It is an Artificial Intelligence bot that you can get access to (just google it) and you can ask it to do things for you. For example, I was having a little bit of mid-afternoon writers block as I was trying to come up with this newsletter article, so I asked Chat GPT to write something for me. 

It came up with: Thank you. Lord, for the blessings you have bestowed upon us today. As we go about our day, help us to remember that you are always with us, guiding us and protecting us. Give us the strength to face any challenges that may come our way, and the wisdom to make the right decisions. Let us always be mindful of your love and grace, and let it shine through our actions and words. We trust in you and give you all the glory. Amen.”

Great. Check that off the list. I mean, honestly, why do you even have a pastor anymore after this? You can just get ChatGPT to write sermons and have someone read them. Or you can head over to Amazon’s “Polly” and get their AI text-to-speech generator to read them to you. In fact, maybe we don’t even need to have conversations anymore. Except to break up with people. I confirmed that if you ask ChatGPT to break up with your girlfriend that it will refuse.

Although, it isn’t very human. As great as AI is, it isn’t human. And that is important. It was so important that God sent His only Son to be human among us. No ChatGPT, but a real human named Jesus of Nazareth. He came not to just sling words at us, but to really listen to us and care about us, and even to give His life for us on the Cross. Maybe that should remind us too of the importance of being a human to the people around us today.