Smell like Jesus

New Mexico is going out on a limb and declaring something that not every state declares: a state aroma. New Mexico is considering declaring “roasting chile peppers” as their state aroma. If you’ve ever been to New Mexico, you have probably been by one of the many places that were serving up roasted chile peppers and the smell may have brought you directly to a stand to purchase some.

Here in Florida, I’m not sure what we would declare our state aroma. Perhaps there would be a fight between the sea-salt breeze aroma and the aroma of a fresh-pressed Cuban sandwich.

But as the Church, we’ve beat New Mexico to the punch. St. Paul tells us in 2 Corinthians 2 that “we are the aroma of Christ to God among those who are being saved and among those who are perishing, to one a fragrance from death to death, to the other a fragrance from life to life.” Essentially, Paul is saying that we Christians have our own “state aroma” as the Church – and it is the smell of Christ. That smell is the smell of Christ’s sacrifice for all of mankind.

This weekend we’re wrapping up our “Icons” sermon series that pointed to how we are “icons” of Jesus Christ in our families, classrooms, and neighborhoods. We are the true presence of God in the lives of the people around us because He has forgiven and renewed us to be people who smell like Him. We are people who sacrifice for our world because we have received the benefit of His sacrifice for us.

Go forth today and smell like Jesus.