
Whenever I go to a Florida Georgia District event, there’s a good chance that whatever meeting or speaking event I’m a part of, that there will be a morning interruption at 10:02am. At 10:02am, it is very likely that an alarm that plays the NFL Monday Night fanfare will go off. The offending phone belongs to our District Mission Executive and he has challenged himself and others in the District to set an alarm for 10:02am and to stop whatever they are doing to pray for a specific thing: workers in the harvest fields.

This all comes from the content of Luke 10:02 – “And [Jesus] said to them, “The harvest is plentiful, but the laborers are few. Therefore pray earnestly to the Lord of the harvest to send out laborers into his harvest.” So it’s a good reminder that every day at 10:02 am or pm, we could be praying that God would send our laborers into His harvest fields.

This doesn’t just mean praying for church workers like pastors and deaconesses (although we are in dire need of pastors right now), it means praying that we ourselves also would be workers in God’s harvest fields. 

This week your “Red Letter Challenge” is to do what Jesus says in Luke 10:02: pray that God would send out workers into His harvest field. You can set an alarm or you can figure out a different way to do it, but let’s join together as a congregation and pray that God would send workers, ourselves and others, into His harvest fields – for the harvest is plentiful. All the while, remembering that you are a part of that harvest and that God provided workers that sent laborers like church workers and lay leaders into your life to bring you the Gospel.

I look forward to praying with you at 10:02.