Don’t Let Them Walk Away

The disciples were right. The people could, and therefore should be expected to be able to feed themselves. Sure, it was quite a walk to town, but it was something that they could do. And after all, what were the disciples supposed to do? Steal a little boy’s lunch and feed just a few people? The obvious thing was to let them walk away.

But Jesus didn’t like that idea. Instead, Jesus said, “you give them something to eat.” (Mark 6:37)

It seemed impossible. But it was still Jesus’ demand. Honestly, many of God’s demands seem impossible. Follow My commandments, impossible. Love your neighbor as yourself, impossible. Still, where God’s commands are given, He makes a way. They may be impossible for us, but that doesn’t mean He is any less serious about them. 

Jesus didn’t want the crowds to leave and go into the towns to purchase food. If they did that, they might not come back. They might not experience the healing or the enlightenment that He had to offer them. He didn’t want to see them walk away, so He said, “you give them something to eat.” Don’t let them walk away.

So this week, we take this command as our “Red Letter Challenge”. YOU give them something to eat. You keep them from walking away. You take care of their needs so that they are more likely to hear the Gospel and receive the healing. Who can you feed this week? Whose primary needs can you take care of in the hopes that they won’t walk away, but that they will hear the Gospel?

It may seem impossible. But so did 5,000 people vs 5 loaves and two fish. You give them something to eat.

Because after all, YOU are an impossible case. A sinner with no hope of redemption. But God made a way.