Church Blog

St Mark Day

Today (April 25) is St. Mark Day, the traditional commemoration of Mark the evangelist. Normally speaking in terms of church history, we commemorate someone special in Christianity on the day of their death, the day they go to be with the Lord. St. Mark died a long long time ago, so I’m not sure how…


I have one of those watches that tells me how my sleep was last night. The news isn’t good this morning. Under the number of hours that I should be sleeping and getting up more in the middle of the night than what is restful. The software that tells me about the metrics taken by…

Be my witness

“Pastor, would you consider being a character witness for John [not his real name]?” That was the question that I was presented with. I knew John, of course, I had known him when he was in church and I had also known him from visiting him in jail when he had landed himself in some…

Getting the Invite

The invitation came in a brilliant white envelope with gold foil accents. When I opened it up and pulled out the folded cardstock in the inside, I noticed that it had some heft to it – not just ordinary card stock, but something substantial. On the outside of the folded note there was my full…

Judge Not

What would you like to be judged on? It may seem strange, but we willingly sign up to be judged for different things. We sign up to have our fitness judged by a personal trainer at the gym. We sign up to have our intelligence judged by a test or by taking a class. Perhaps…

Christ the Stranger

In the Philippines where I grew up, there was a president who used to occasionally dress up in a big hat and workers clothes and ride public transportation around the country. For him, it was the best way to really get a sense of what the country was like. On a few occasions, people would…


“Worship the LORD, your God.” Luke 4:8 The word “worship” can mean different things to us. The Greek word that Jesus uses in the verse above is “proskeneyo,” a word that has bowing down or even falling on your face at its root. If you asked most people today what worship means in a religious…

Don’t Let Them Walk Away

The disciples were right. The people could, and therefore should be expected to be able to feed themselves. Sure, it was quite a walk to town, but it was something that they could do. And after all, what were the disciples supposed to do? Steal a little boy’s lunch and feed just a few people?…

The Benefits of Being Last

Jesus said, “If anyone would be first, he must be last of all and servant of all.” (Mark 9:35) Those words of Jesus form our red letter challenge for this week. This is actually one that I have worked on for a little bit of time myself. It all started because I really don’t like…