Devotional (Page 4)

GIFTED: He Hears You; He Sends You

In a recent episode of NCIS, Agent Gibbs and Agent Bishop go to Afghanistan to solve a murder. They figure out where the murderer is hiding, but they need someone to go undercover in order to infiltrate his camp. Bishop is picked to go undercover, and she panics. She tells Gibbs, “Don’t put me in…

Celebrating Gifts Given: Be Assured

Psalm 1 begins, “Blessed is the man who walks not in the counsel of the wicked, nor stands in the way of sinners, nor sits in the seat of scoffers, but his delight is in the law of the Lord, and on his law he meditates day and night.” Sometimes, it’s hard to picture ourselves…

Giving Ourselves as Gifts: Assure Others

November 20th used to be just another day, but from now on, I will always remember November 20th as the day that a gunman entered Strozier Library. The evening of November 20th, after a long day of contacting our students to make sure they were all right, Pastor Jay held a prayer service at University…

The Gift of God: God Hears the Righteous

If your friends talked to you the same way you talk to yourself, would they still be your friends? Think about that for a minute. If your friends came up to you and said, “You’re ugly. You’re stupid. You’re a loser. You’ll never be a success. Nobody loves you,” you would be upset with them…

GIFTED: For the World

It’s easy to be negative about our mission. We acknowledge that we are to share the life-saving Word of God with the world, but we don’t anticipate this happening during our lifetimes (if ever). After all, with everything that’s happening around the globe – from the rise of the “nones” to terrorist attacks – how…

The Gift of God: For Everyone

We’ve all done it. We look at someone whose sins are different from ours and say, “Well, at least I’m not like them.” We compare ourselves with others without even thinking about it. At least we aren’t homosexuals. At least we aren’t murderers. At least we aren’t adulterers. And the list goes on. It’s our…