Newsletter (Page 37)

Yelp and the 8th Commandment

  I enjoy Yelp. I’m not the best Yelper, but I enjoy the process of reviewing places and acting as a guide for people trying out a place for the first time. Recently I have also become a Google “Local Guide” which is basically the same thing as being a Yelper, but with Google. It…

What do other people believe about Baptism?

It has been a Baptism heavy month here at University Lutheran with the baptisms of Tempest and Taylor, and a few upcoming Baptisms. That is definitely a reason to give thanks to God, because as we confessed together last week: What benefits does Baptism give? Baptism works forgiveness of sins, rescues from death and the…

Elements and Baptism

The water in there, is it holy water? Occasionally I will get questions  like that about the water that we use for Baptism. I was told a long time ago that the best answer to such questions is often a further question: Why do you want to know? The answer is possibly a nuanced a…

At least I haven’t murdered anyone

“Well at least I haven’t murdered anyone . . .” It’s probably the most hackneyed self justification out there. “Well, maybe I cheated on my taxes, but [scoff], at least I haven’t murdered anyone.” or “Well, maybe I cheated on my husband, but [scoff], at least I haven’t murdered anyone.” or a thousand other “Well…

The Whole Truckful

There is an old story about a preacher who got up early on a snowy Sunday morning and went into church. Because it was so snowy outside, many people did not show up – in fact, there was only one person who did, an old farmer. The preacher waited the customary 5 minutes for any…

Despising Preaching

I don’t know if it’s all preachers that get sheepish around the recitation of the explanation of the 3rd commandment, but I sure do: What is the 3rd Commandment? Remember the Sabbath day by keeping it holy. What does this mean? We should fear and love God so that we do not despise preaching and…

God’s Yearbook Picture

The second commandment will often get interpreted as the “Thou Shalt Not Use Four Letter Words” commandment. However, that may be a bit of a mistake. Except in the case of one particular American invective (the one where you call on God to banish something into eternal torment) the case that Paul makes in Ephesians…