BYSSIW. Because You said so, I will. 

This week’s red letter challenge is from John 14:15, “If you love Me, you will obey My commands.” This is a tough verse for a lot of people. Unfortunately, some people can use it to make Christianity look very transactional. But we know that isn’t the case for Jesus. He loves us no matter what. We also know that we love Him, but that we still commit sins of both commission (stuff we do) and omission (stuff we don’t).

But there is a reality to what Jesus says in John 14:15. Sometimes the only reason that I’m obeying Jesus’ commands is because I love Him. Just like sometimes the only reason that I do the dishes is because I love my family. I may not necessarily feel like doing the dishes, but I do them because I know that doing the dishes helps our family to function, and I love those people in my family.

This week, we’re encouraging you to put up a sticky note about the commands that you may not naturally want to do. I don’t know what those are for you. Maybe it’s tithing and being generous with your money. Maybe it’s forgiving someone that you really want to gossip about instead. Maybe it’s averting your eyes from that stuff that will make you fall into temptation. Maybe it’s coming to church on a Sunday (trust me, even as a pastor there’s some days that I only do that because I love Him). Figure out what those challenging commands are for you and post them up on a sticky note with the letters “BYSSIW”.

BYSSIW make time for that person over my task. BYSSIW read Matthew 6 and 7 along with my congregation. BYSSIW pay that person a fair wage. BYSSIW watch how I use God’s name. BYSSIW care for that person’s reputation. Whatever it is, write it up there so that you remember to do it – not because you want to, but because He said so.

And if you fail, remember that He will be there to forgive you. Because after all, He said He would do that, so He will.