Church Blog (Page 12)

ChatGPT for Churches

I don’t know if you’ve heard of ChatGPT yet. It is an Artificial Intelligence bot that you can get access to (just google it) and you can ask it to do things for you. For example, I was having a little bit of mid-afternoon writers block as I was trying to come up with this…

It is ok to dance

It is illegal to dance in a bar in Sweden. That is, unless that bar has a permit to allow for dancing. This isn’t exotic dance of any kind. Just regular old dancing. Square dancing and waltzes and such. This is the case in Sweden unless a bill moving through parliament takes hold. If so, the…

After the Freeze

If you live in Tallahassee, you have had a little while of witnessing the destruction caused to vegetation by the 20 degree temperatures that visited around Christmastime. Walking around campus last week, you could see the grounds crews working to take out dead plants. In my own backyard, we’re hoping that the frost-bitten citrus leaves…

The 12th Night

Today is the final day of Christmas, the 12 days end tonight at midnight and the season of Epiphany begins with the celebration of the feast of Epiphany on January 6th. In places across the world, people celebrate the 12th day by having “12th night” parties that signal the end of the Christmas season, and…

Marlowe’s Ball

On September 23, 2022, St. Louis Cardinals slugger Albert Pujols hit his 700th homerun into the stands at Dodgers Stadium. This home run made him the 4th Major League Baseball player to hit 700 or more homeruns in their career, joining great names like Barry Bonds, Hank Aaron, and Babe Ruth. A fan named Marlowe…

Riding with the Grinch

The Arizona Department of Public Safety recently released news that a Phoenix motorist was given a citation for illegally using the high-occupancy vehicle (HOV) lane. The HOV lane requires at least one passenger besides the driver to be able to use the lane. The motorist in question, however, wasn’t riding with a real passenger but…

Bible Study – The Four Disciplines of Christmas

We spend this Bible Study time before Christmas looking at the four “Theological Disciplines” of Exegetical Theology (reading the Bible and deriving meaning), Systematic Theology (categorizing the information from the Bible), Historical Theology (understanding the history of the Church and how the Bible has been interpreted), and Practical Theology (what we do with the message…

Speaking of Faith

I remember meeting someone once for the first time who cut the tension of the first time meeting with a question: “So, Jay, what do you like to talk about?” The question put me on my heels and made me think, but I also marveled at how brave and kind the question was. Of course…

True Presence

If you asked my daughters what the most frustrating thing about God is, I think I know how they would answer. They have long complained that God is invisible. Thankfully, they understand that He is both invisible and present, and they comprehend Him through the eyes of faith that “see” Him in other things. But,…

The Artist With Us

It is hard to explain Banksy. On the one hand, that name itself means much in our world. If you know the name, you know that Banksy is something of a guerilla painter or graffiti artist. And yet, while the world may know Banksy by that name, we still don’t know much about who the…