Posts from January 2024

Nothing in Return

Pens. Books. That 20 dollar bill. Even that favorite college sweatshirt that I lent to that girl I was dating. It’s hard not to let the resentment settle in. I lent this to you. I didn’t give it as a gift. I feel like I was pretty clear. But it’s still gone. Not to be…


BYSSIW. Because You said so, I will.  This week’s red letter challenge is from John 14:15, “If you love Me, you will obey My commands.” This is a tough verse for a lot of people. Unfortunately, some people can use it to make Christianity look very transactional. But we know that isn’t the case for…

List Making

I live with someone who is a self-proclaimed list maker. Maybe you know someone like this. The moment that I or someone has to travel or do something that might require a list – the pen and the notebook paper come flying out. The reason for the list is simple, it gives us security to…

Abide in my word

It’s here! It’s here! It’s finally here! This week we start off reading two chapters of the Gospels every week! The Gospels are a combined 89 chapters, and so we’re looking at about 45 weeks of reading the Gospels together. This should bring us right up to the end of this annual focus year on…


Whenever I go to a Florida Georgia District event, there’s a good chance that whatever meeting or speaking event I’m a part of, that there will be a morning interruption at 10:02am. At 10:02am, it is very likely that an alarm that plays the NFL Monday Night fanfare will go off. The offending phone belongs…